Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Social Media Etiquette Whoops!

So, the other day I was browsing around the groups on LinkedIn, which is a great way to network and show your expertise and make some great business contacts, and I answered a question that a woman had wanting to learn more about networking online. I had a few answers in this area so I recommended a book I'd enjoyed on the topic, "The Zen of Social Media Marketing," by Shama Hyder Kahbani, and also said that my expertise in the area of online marketing had to do with videos and left my website if she wanted to know more.

I thought it was acceptable. The purpose of LinkedIn is strictly business and it's to make those business networks. Plus, I would never shamelessly promote myself without offering value. I suggested a helpful book first and then only as a side bar that if she was interested in learning about how video helps with social media networking, that that was a resource I knew something about.

So to my surprise I get an email from the group moderator telling me that I had overstepped my bounds and that self promotion was never allowed in his group and I was running the risk of being kicked out! Whoa! Now this isn't typical of LinkedIn groups. Most are fine with self promotion and are built as a place to offer your resources and expertise to other professionals who are looking for it. In this case, it's just that the moderator of the group had a different idea about the use of the group. Totally fine, I sent him an email apologizing and telling him that I meant no harm and thought I was providing a resource relevant to the discussion, but I would keep my business promotion to a minimum.

Sometimes these things happen, even on Facebook where we think that anything goes. All of our social media interaction still has a code of conduct that we need to follow as entrepreneurs who do a lot of marketing through social media. Especially as spiritual entrepreneurs, the quality of our connections with potential clients is important to us.

I found this really great little video from my good friend and rockstar business woman, Jenn August, the other day. It is the perfect example of the kind of marketing video that belongs on places like Facebook. The beauty of this video is that it is creative, fun, and it's really all about YOU! She's so artfully made a video that was interesting, cute and sent a clear marketing message. Take a look!

Great job Jenn! If you're interested in her 1 day, I highly recommend it! Other than the amazing work she does and how she transforms people's lives, she's really hilarious to watch in person! You will definitely leave her workshop feeling 100 times happier than you did when you went in and ready to rock your business and prosperity in a whole new way. You can get access to her full scholarship one day experience here https://beyondbusiness.infusionsoft.com/saleform/nathniue.

Because this video is entertaining, fun, and uplifting, it is great for social media. The concept is perfect. The only advice I might give Jenn about this video is from a technical perspective. It could be a little easier on the eyes if she backed the camera up a little bit and steadied it so we can see the whole drawing and get rid of the shaking. Also, the end credits go a bit long and there are ways you can keep the same information and just consolidate the time a little bit. That could be a point where people may click away because the fun is over and now it's just business, even though her use of music is really wonderful.

As I learn more about what goes into making good, effective marketing videos, I am very excited to share it with you! I will be hosting a free teleclass on Monday April 11th at 4pm Pacific Time called...

"The 5 Types of Online Marketing Videos and How to Use Each One So that Potential Clients FALL IN LOVE with Your Business!"

The topic of this free class came from watching lots of people on Facebook and other social media sites, making the mistakes that would get their videos very few views, and even turn some people off simply because they used the wrong kind of video in the wrong situation. Kind of like a social media Faux Pas.

Yes! Even social media has it's own set of rules of conduct. As spiritual entrepreneurs we want to respect these rules so that we can connect with our potential clients in a clean, authentic way.

I've actually made these painful mistakes myself in the past so I know how the negative effects they can have on your business. To learn more and register for this call, go to http://www.rebeccacowan.com/freecall.html.

3 of the 5 types of video do belong in social media and can work very well when used correctly to drive traffic to your website, get you loads of sign ups and improve your connection with potential clients. Though when the rules aren't followed, you might get your own smack down like I did on LinkedIn, or perhaps just ignored.

Happy Filming!

Rebecca Cowan, M.A.
Television Producer and
Marketing Video Master

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