I've noticed a trend with the videos that I post: More people watch videos with personal content.
Here is the very first video I made in 2011. In the beginning I am very honest about my feelings and fears before I add in the plug for my business. It has gotten the second most views of any of my videos so far. Check it out.
Online videos are different from TV or film commercials. TV and film are a passive form of media. The videos in the online world are part of a social experience. The internet allows us to connect with people in an interactive way that has never been possible before.
Use your videos as a way to connect with your potential clients through honesty, story telling and sharing your pains and feelings that could be relevant to their experience. Make your videos social so that potential clients will be more likely to watch them and say, "Hey! I can relate!"
Videos give your potential clients a chance to get to know you better, faster and connect deeper than any of your other marketing materials. However, to reap the real benefits of video, you need to make them more about connection than about selling your business. The sales will fall in place the more personal you can make your videos.
In general, people won't buy from strangers. Video gives you the opportunity to let potential clients familiar get with you. So, connection first! Business Second!
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